Hi I’m thinking of buying a Turkish kangal i have a lot of land 660 acres most of my dogs are outdoor dogs but they’re loyal and don’t try and run away the hang around outside my house the land is pretty secure for livestock, cows and horses can’t escape, but a dog could my question is if I get one of these dogs and have it as an outdoor dog since a puppy would it be loyal to me like my current dogs and not run away?
Updated On November 14th, 2019
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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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No one can answer this question for you with 100% certainty as there are too many variables. It would depend a lot on the dog's personality, how much interaction you have with him on a daily basis and how well he gets on with the other dogs. There is never a guarantee with any animal - you will just have to try and see how it goes. I can tell you that you have a better chance of him sticking around and not running away if he is neutered. Un-neutered dogs run off to find female dogs to mate with so if he is neutered you will curb that behavior. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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