Hi, my female persian cat will be 8 months old tomorrow. She was in heat from almost a month & accidentally mated several times with my 9 months old male cat on 4 th november. Many people are saying that she is too young to have kittens. Now i am very worried about what to do & how to find out she is pregnant or not or how to take care of her so that she can give birth without any complications. I can notice some changes in her already.please suggest me what to do now.
Updated On November 14th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Female | unspayed | 7 months and 30 days old
Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Elsa. If she is old enough to go into heat, she is able to become pregnant. A veterinarian can do an ultrasound around 28 days for pregnancy to look for fetal heartbeats. X-rays can be done to count kittens by 45-50 days of pregnancy. I recommend continuing to feed her kitten food for adequate nutrition. I hope this information helps!
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