I have a 9 week old kitten, Spirit. She hasn't been eating or drinking water for 2 days now. She has been vomiting green liquid, but shows no sign of bowel movements. Spirit had her first vaccination about 10 days ago and was dewormed a few days before that. I resqued her from the street at about 2 weeks old. She was doing great until 2 days ago. It feels like there's a big sharp lump in her stomach. Please help with some advice as the vets here only open in the next 8 hours. Thank you

Updated On November 14th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Asian | Female | unspayed | 2 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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I hate to hear that Spirit is so sick. If you are feeling a lump in her stomach, it could mean she has swollen something she shouldn't have an it is causing an obstruction. This is a serious condition that is fatal unless the obstruction is removed (usually this requires surgery). Pets can vomit due to many other reasons including infection, poisoning or parasites. Spirit sounds like she is very sick and I am very concerned if the lump you are feeling is real. I recommend to take her to an emergency veterinary clinic if one is available. If you cannot get her to an emergency clinic, fast her from food but make sure she is drinking small amounts of water frequently. Unfortunately, there is not anything else you can do at home. Get her into the veterinarian's office as soon as you can. She will x-rays to look for a foreign object in her abdomen. I hope every thing turns out ok and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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