Updated On November 16th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 24 days old | 15 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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This looks like dry skin. You can try adding fish oil to Blue's diet to see if that helps. For every 30 pounds of body weight, give him 1,000 mg fish oil containing 300 mg of EPA/DHA combined. Since he is 15 pounds, cut that in half. Ultimately, however, seeing a vet is best for him. If paying for a vet is an issue, you can see if your vet accepts payment plans, if there is a low cost clinic in your area, or you can apply for Care Credit online. There is also an organization called Red Rover that give grants for treatment of sick animals, and you can see if you qualify for one of their grants. Best Friends also has a list of resources that offer financial assistance on their website. http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/resources/tips/trouble_affording_pet.html?credit=web_id91754962 https://www.redrover.org https://www.carecredit.com http://bestfriends.org/resources/financial-aid-pets http://lessonsfromaparalyzeddog.com/when-pet-owners-cant-afford-veterinary-bills/ http://www.dogheirs.com/resources-affordable-veterinary-care/
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