My female budgie (approx 2yrs) and male budgie (approx 6yrs) get along well. But she has moments when she chases my male bird. Next moment is ready to kiss him and he reciprocates too. Even then it looks as if he tries to calm her. At times she keeps him from eating. Took them to a vet who said she looks ready to breed. So have started giving extra calcium supplements (Avian C). I am not a breeder and trying to understand why shes blowing hot and cold? Still haven’t got nest boxes as of now.

Updated On November 17th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Sara and including a photo. When in breeding mode, hormones can affect behavior. Possibly she is also re-establishing dominance. Removing any nesting material, decreasing photoperiod exposure and a veterinary visit can possible provide a hormone injection to decrease breeding behavior and egg laying. Good luck.

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