So my dog makes a click/hiccup sound nearly every time he swallows while he's laying down/resting. It's been going on every day for months and because it's so frequent I brought him to the vet. After they did sedated radiographs on his neck and hearing the recording, the conclusion was it is indeed just hiccups. But is there a way to stop them then? It can be at any time of day as long as he's laying, he even seems to have some difficulty just swallowing in one go sometimes but otherwise fine

Updated On November 18th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Siberian Husky | Male | neutered | 50 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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There are some very rare disease that can cause difficulty swallowing that might also cause a hiccup noise, and they can be very difficult to diagnose. If the abnormal swallowing gets worse you may want to ask about referral to a specialist. There is not any specific treatment for hiccups.

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