I found some kittens abandoned about two weeks ago. When I took them to the vets she said they were about a week old so now they are about three weeks old. I’ve been formula feeding about every 2 to 3 hours but the formula has been doing nothing for their growth. Today I gave them a new formula which seems a lot thicker and sweeter. They had about 30mls each but four hours on and they dont want anything to eat. Also, one of the kittens has not done a poo for about a week! The other 2 days.
Updated On May 2nd, 2020
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Answered By Dr Stafford, BVetMed, MRCVS 156
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Hi there, well done for being so good as to look after these little kittens! It is no easy task. Unfortunately with abandoned kittens there can be issues that have begun long before the adopter ever come into their lives, it can take these issues a while to manifest as disease in the kittens. Such issues could be due to infection, malnutrition or underlying congenital problems. Even kittens which have been with their mother from the start and have adequate colostrum can begin to fade. I say that more as a general point because successfully hand rearing kittens can be very difficult even when you are as dedicated as yourself. Having said that your kittens may be fine and just struggling to put on weight due to a poor start, you may find they are slow but suddenly start to grow. However I think it would be wise to take them back to the vet again for a follow up exam as their could be underlying problems. They should certainly be going to the toilet much more often. This suggests some sort of issue with the gut. Gently massaging the tummy and wiping the bum with a piece of wet cotton can help stimulate toileting. But I would stress that I think it is important you take them back to the vet asap. Good luck and no matter what happens please remember you have tried your absolute best with them. Fingers crossed they do well.
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