sore on his neck is took him to vet treated for hot spot got given a wash a cream and antibiotics he had the course of tablets Been 5 days finished and a new hotspot has shown up on side of face it's really sore he wasn't keen on letting me shave the area and clean it he is really moody and for two days has had diarrhea that's was a mustard yellow colour but now a clear liquard and he restless as and growling me when I go near him his eye look redish to he lost his appetite as well

Updated On May 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Male | unneutered | 4 years and 8 months old | 154 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


Poor guy. This sounds like more than just a hot spot now and possible has developed into a bacterial infection in his bloodstream or something more. It is hard to say without seeing pictures of the area, but I would highly recommend taking Chaos back in to your vet for a second look. We need to get his vitals and potentially even some bloodwork to evalute his internal organs now. Best case scenario is that he is having an adverse reaction to the antibiotics and just needs to go on a different one. But we need to make sure this is just a hot spot and not something like ringworm or a staph infection.

I do hope that your pet Chaos is going to be able to recover from this severe infection. Best of luck moving forward and take care.

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    Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


    Hello. You certainly have a lot going on with Chaos. It is possible that the antibiotics are what gave him the diarrhea. You might try offering him a very bland diet for the next few days. Use a whole grain cooked white rice ( not minute or instant rice ) & mix this with a little cooked chicken. It should be 75% rice & 25% chicken. It would not hurt to start Chaos on a probiotic, as well. Proviable by Nutramax or FortiFlora by Purina are two good ones & are usually available at all pet retailers. If his symptoms worsen, you should see your vet as soon as possible. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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