My kitten is a stray. We picked her up because mother was not taking care of her and she was much smaller than the rest of the litter. (We've had her for about a week) She's got teeth growing in but she's still tiny and still has blue eyes. I'm wondering when I should start weaning her and how I should do that. I'd also like to know relatively how old she is if you can tell by the picture.

Updated On May 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 21 days old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Eve is so cute! If her eyes are open and her teeth are coming in, she is at least three weeks of age. You can start weaning her now. To help her wean and to get used to dry food, I would soak a high quality kitten formulated dry food in warm water until soft. Then mix that with kitten formula such as KMR to make a mush the consistency of oatmeal. Over the next two weeks, gradually increase the amount of dry kitten food and decrease the amount of water and KMR you use until she is eating the dry kitten food only. I hope this helps!

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