Hello, my Chihuahua mix 9 year old dog has developed this cyst/sac brown ball on his back. When I touch it is firm. My dog also is constantly itchy and has a bit of redness on his back as well. I have tried giving him anti itch spray and omega supplements and hoping this will work. My main concern is that brown cyst on his back. Not sure what it might be. Any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
Updated On May 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 8 years and 11 months old | 120 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting Petcoach with your question about Max. While this could be a cyst, it could potentially be a growth, maybe even a malignant one. In a dog his age, there's always a chance any lump could be malignant. Any suspicious lumps should be examined by the vet. The vet can perform a test called a fine needle aspirate on it. To do this, the vet sticks a small needle into the lump to get a sample of its cells, and examines the cells on a slide under a microscope. It's usually painless to the animal, and relatively quick to perform. Once the cause of the lump is diagnosed, the vet can discuss treatment options if needed. I'd take him into a vet on Monday. While there, the vet can diagnose the cause of his itchiness, which could be due to fleas, mites, or allergies. I hope this helps!
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