PLEASE HELP! I found my two baby budgies severely attacked by another bird. I have separated that bird into a smaller cage. The greener baby has its beak loose on one side. I have absolutely no vets near me and I can not travel because of this whole annoying pandemic. The bleeding has stopped but I am scared for the green baby as I do not know what to do with it’s beak and I am not sure what I will feed it in the future because no pet shops near me sell baby formula except for Ebay and Amazon (C
Updated On May 4th, 2020
Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 2 days old
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do at home if the baby is severely injured or you don't have food for it. Trying to see if a local pet store or big box store that carries pet supplies is open may help you find syringes and baby bird food you need, otherwise. In a pinch, adult bird food can be ground down into a mash and then mixed with water and given via a syringe until you can get actual baby bird food. Keeping the babies warm and keeping any wounds clean and dry can help, however if there are severe wounds or the injuries are bad enough the babies can't function properly, seeking out the care of a vet in person ASAP is best (Many are open still for medical emergencies such as this).
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