Hi. I have a 12week Yorkie puppy female and in the last 2 days we noticed that she is dizzy, not stable when walking and her head is shaking.For sure is not from the ears, was checked and cleaned. We continue and made blood tests (test attached) and some values are out of range. The vet said that could be multiple causes (parasite, thyroid, etc.) but was not sure and said that will ask some other vet opinions. Can you please check the test and let me know you opinion? Thanks
Updated On May 4th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 2 months and 24 days old | 1.5 lbs
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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I reviewed the labs and I don’t see a cause for the symptoms you describe. ALP is a liver enzyme but it is also made in growing bones and an elevation can be normal in a puppy. Calcium and phosphorous can also be increased in young growing dogs. Albumin is a little low and so is total protein (albumin is one of the proteins) and this can be seen with parasites or inflammatory diseases. It can also be seen with portosystemic shunt if there are other symptoms. I did not see blood glucose and would be concerned about that possibility.
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Other Answers
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM
Unfortunately I don’t see any attachments! I’m wondering if Ava’s glucose was normal - toy breed hypoglycemia is common at that age in Yorkies. Neurologic disease or a portosystemic shunt might also cause symptoms.
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