My 6 year old male cat has been licking his groin and yowling occasionally when doing it. (He was fixed when he was a kitten) He did this for a day about 2 weeks ago then stopped but started again this morning. He seems to be using the little box normally and is eating and drinking normal. I'm just concerned because I have never seen this in any of my other cats.
Updated On May 5th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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He is most likely experiencing pain from urinary crystals. Very common in male cats. This can become a very big problem as often times the crystals will form together into a "glob" and get stuck in the urethra causing an obstruction which is an EMERGENCY! They can also form stones in the bladder. So, you really need to get him to your vet for an examination and urine test.
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