My dog has these spots all over his skin. Hes scratching a lot I have bathed him with shampoo for ticks&fleas and gave him a chewable for the same thing. Not sure what is causing this
Updated On May 6th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | unneutered | 4 years and 5 months old | 80 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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It looks like he might have a skin infection which could be secondary to an allergy. He should be examined by a vet to determine the exact cause and treat the problem. Your vet can do cytology, culture, and/or a skin scrape, if needed to help diagnose. He may need an oral antibiotic and a corticosteroid to help treat the problem. You could also bathe him with a medicated antibacterial dog shampoo.
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