Plz can Dr Destiny,Dr Massimo,Dr Sara Farmer,or Dr Stardom answer this plz I need urgent help due to lockdown n is very urgent.My dog is 9 yrs old n has developed this(pointed by arrow)on her gum from past 3-4 weeks n is hard also.i clean her teeth using a scraper n scaler.maybe that caused this injury.but it's not healing.lockdown is there what should I do?is it serious?

Updated On May 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello! This looks like gingival hyperplasia and it can be due to inflammation under the gums. When you use a scraper on the tooth you are not getting under the gumline so there is still bacteria under there which is causing inflammation. I would not be overly worried about it at this stage. It is not that harmful but go easy with the scraping and only use that once every month or two. Instead, brush his teeth once a day and you can use the water additive linked below to help get under the gumline.

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