My cat is an inside outside cat. Yesterday he stayed inside all day because it was cold. Dale’s paw is swollen and won’t let me to touch it and won’t walk on it. There are no open wounds and his paw is clean. I can see nothing wrong with it but it’s more swollen today and refuses to put any weight on it. I have no idea what happened. He could have gotten his paw stuck in a dog kennel or hurt it the day before. Should I try to get him in to the vet or give him a couple more days to stay off it?

Updated On May 9th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 1 year and 11 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Poor Dale! I would definitely get him into a vet asap. He won't put weight on it because it's painful and unfortunately there are no OTC pain relievers you can give him. Many human ones are toxic to cats and are fatal if given. You don't want to leave him in pain, so I would take him into a vet now. Best of luck.

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