Hi,my cat has been diagnose with UTI since 1/5 and has been inserted a urine hose for 3 days and then brought home for home medication.Yet,he displayed dehydration and was rush back to the vet for dehydration and a blood test was done coming back with a 8.8 creatinine reading and high glucose reading.He has been hospitalize since.I was wondering if the dehydration has anything to affect the reading?the update today is he has clear urine and walking round though still no appetite and on fluids.
Updated On May 11th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Creatinine of 8.8 is very high and indicates kidney disease/failure. This can be due to a back of urine from the bladder into the kidneys if he had a urinary blockage. Typically this is irreversible damage but only time will tell. Dehydration would not affect the creatinine to that degree. He should be put on anti-nausea medications which may help his appetite.
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