I took the “recommendation” from a neighbor and I wiped down my puppy with a dryer sheet. Didn’t rub it into the skin or anything and only rubbed it lightly with the grain of the hair once. I have been googling everything about raising a puppy, but didn’t google this until after I did it. Many things online are saying it is horrible and toxic. What should I do? I got a wet paper towel and wiped him down again.

Updated On May 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 6.8 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Axle. I recommend bathing his feet with Dawn dish soap. This should remove any residue from the dryer sheet. If he licked his feet or is not acting right, then I recommend following up with a veterinarian today. I hope this information helps!

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