Hello, my three year old cat has seen a vet and is diagnosed with Kidney Failure. The vet recommends I only feed him a RX strength K/D diet, along with doing fluid treatment. Loki will eat some RX food, but is begging for his organic foods. He doesn't allow me to do fluid treatment (even when I have someone help me to hold him). Loki is now becoming behavioral at home. Is it okay to provide half RX food and half organic food with this Kidney Support Gold (see pic) instead of the fluid treatment?

Updated On May 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 12 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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Prescription kidney diets have proven to improve both quality and length of life in pets with poor kidney function. They are formulated to reduce the amount of work required for the kidneys by reducing the amount of waste products produced from food as well as containing tightly balanced mineral, vitamin, omega fatty acid and protein levels and work best in wet forms or where good water intake can be encouraged. The larger proportion of the diet the better, any additional food sources should be highly digestible and suitable for pets in kidney failure, blood tests would be recommended 3-4 weeks after any diet changes to ensure no negative impacts develop

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