My dog went to the emergency vet this past sunday morning. Without bloodwork, they diagnosed him with cancer. They sent him home with steroids (prednisone) and pain meds. I don't like the idea of supressing his immune system. It seems like it was prescribed to make him comfortable until he dies. I would rather let him have a fighting chance. My question is, should we still work with the local vet to taper off prednisone if he has only taken 3 doses (30 mg each dose)?

Updated On May 26th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | neutered | 65 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Dozer. I'm sorry he has cancer! Do not suddenly take him off the steroids, you should work with the local vet to taper him off of them if you do not want him to be on them. Give them a call to discuss a schedule to taper them off. I hope this helps!

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