Hello! I adopted a 3 month old kitten from the SPCA on 5.23.20. He has bene having loose stools since that first day. He has a ton of energy, no issues with food/ drinking and is good natured in spirit. Hes currently on 0.3mL of Clavamox 2x per day for a respiratory infection. I have been feeding him a mix of dry & wet food. They told me he has had his first round of shots and would be needing his second round in 4 weeks. Should I be concerned about his stools & take him into a vet?
Updated On May 27th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 4 months and 26 days old | 2.4 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Antibiotics, diet change, and a new home causing stress can all cause loose stools, so it could be a combination of these things causing it, however I would schedule Gizmo's checkup anyway since that's always a good idea to do with any new pet, especially one that is already currently on medications. Your vet can rule out any other health issues, deworm in case of parasites, and help you get started on a vaccination plan or treatment plan for any other underlying issues.
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