I think my dog has a “sprung” tail? Yesterday he had a busy day at the groomers in the morning and then playing with my parents and brothers dogs the rest of the day. Middle of the night he woke me up with a little whine and saw his tail was hanging down. Did some research and seems like he might have hurt his tail playing with all the other dogs. He is resting today. Should I try to give him low dose aspirin to help the I flamation?
Updated On June 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 4 years and 8 months old | 50 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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Aw, poor George! I agree that it sounds pretty likely that he has limp (or limber) tail, particularly based on how he's holding his tail in the pictures. The good news is that this problem resolves on its own with a bit of rest over a week or two. Some dogs are uncomfortable with this issue and benefit from prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications from their veterinarian, but many are ok without these pain relievers. Since George is whining and seems uncomfortable, it would be best to take him to his vet to inquire about these pain medications. Do not give him aspirin. Aspirin can cause both bleeding issues, as well as an increased risk of stomach ulceration. There aren't any safe over the counter pain medications for dogs. Be sure to continue keeping George rested for the next week or two until his tail is back to normal!
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