My cat Tigger was given some Amoxicillin for a fever and pain relief meds for a UTI that he had, now my female cat Pretty has a fever. Can I give her the same amoxicillin?

Updated On June 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Maine Coon | Male | neutered | 4 years old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding your cats. I do not recommend giving the medication prescribed to Tigger to Pretty. First, it is important for Tigger to finish the full course of his medication for it to work properly. Secondly, a fever is a serious a cat. It is important to determine why she has a fever so that an appropriate medication can be prescribed to her. Yes, she could have an infection somewhere, but there are numerous other causes of a fever in a cat. She could have an immune mediated disease, heat stroke, stress or even cancer. She will need to see a veterinarian to determine if treatment is needed and if so, the best action. I hope this information helps!

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