Hi my dog has pancreatitis. He’s on Metronidazole 500mg twice a day and cerenia. He has also gone from kibble to a low fat gi wet food. His urine and stool color has significantly changed. Could this be due to the meds and food? He also wasn’t drinking much water but had some today. When he got diagnosed he had fluids injected in him.

Updated On June 9th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | neutered | 3 years and 6 months old | 57 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. A dark discoloration of urine is a common finding when patients are on Metronidazole. The stool discoloration is most certainly due to a change in diet. The urine will return to normal once the antibiotics are finished & his stools should normalize once his GI tract gets used to the new food. I do hope Marshall is beginning to feel better. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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