My dog has not been fixed but after she goes in heat, about the 61 day cycle she acts like she is going to have puppies. She finds all of her toys, they are her babies and whines constantly for about 2 weeks. My first question is she in pain,like labor? and second is there any thing besides benadryl I can give her to calm her down? She is naturally very anxiety dog. She is a Boxer which is strange to me. I have had them all my life and this little girl is just different..Please advise,

Updated On June 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Boxer | Female | unspayed | 9 years old | 80 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Thanks for visiting Petcoach. Based on your description of what she is doing, whining and finding toys. This sounds like she may be having false pregnancy symptoms. This isn't painful nor is it a true medical concern for her. However, I can understand it being hard to watch her act in this manner. If you want something to calm her down you can try either Zylkene supplement available online or ask for anti-anxiety medications that can be prescribed by your veterinarian. I would also highly consider having Briggles spayed soon to help prevent any chances of a spontaneously infected uterus (pyometra) which can make pets very ill and require emergency surgery due to it being a life threatening event. This can happen at any time in pets that are not spayed. Here is more information on pyometra in pets --> I do hope that Briggles does well moving forward. Best of luck and take care.

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