My non spaded 10 year old Chihuahua has an enlarged nipple..sometimes it gets small and other days it swells...doesn't seem to hurt her or bother her, I notice it more than she does! I read it could be a clogged milk dud, or even breast cancer for dogs? After researching it sounds quite expensive! I am seeking natural remedies, or other advice...Im not against seeing a vet, but even after being diagnosed I'm not sure i could afford it.
Updated On June 11th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua | Female | unspayed | 9 years and 6 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Zoe. Wow, that is quite enlarged. I am concerned that she does have a mammary tumor. Those can be common in dogs who are not spayed. Unfortunately there are no natural remedies for this, and it does require veterinary treatment. You also need to be aware that 50% of these tumors are malignant, so there is a chance it is cancer. The only way to know for sure is to have her seen by a vet to get it diagnosed. The vet can perform a test called a fine needle aspirate on it. To do this, the vet sticks a small needle into the lump to get a sample of its cells, and examines the cells on a slide under a microscope. It's usually painless to the animal, and relatively quick to perform. If paying for a vet is an issue, you can see if your vet accepts payment plans, if there is a low cost clinic in your area, or you can apply for Care Credit online. There is also an organization called Red Rover that give grants for treatment of sick animals, and you can see if you qualify for one of their grants. Best Friends also has a list of resources that offer financial assistance on their website. I'd also see if you can borrow money from family and friends. http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/resources/tips/trouble_affording_pet.html?credit=web_id91754962 https://www.redrover.org https://www.carecredit.com http://bestfriends.org/resources/financial-aid-pets http://lessonsfromaparalyzeddog.com/when-pet-owners-cant-afford-veterinary-bills/ http://www.dogheirs.com/resources-affordable-veterinary-care/ I hope this helps!
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