There were fireworks that went on about 3 hrs ago, and about a few minutes later, my dog started panting, shaking, not eating/ drinking anything, not responding to her name, keeps hiding in the corner and keeps looking around everywhere. It’s been over 3 hours and she’s still panting and shaking and acting dazed. I’m very concerned. Breed: Mini Pinscher/ Pit Bull Mix Spayed Female DOB: 04/06/2017
Updated On June 11th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 3 years and 2 months old | 30 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Luna. Fireworks and loud noises can be really scary for dogs. One important thing to do to when your dog acts scared is not to reassure her. We think we are comforting her when we do that, but it's actually reinforcing the behavior and telling her it's ok to be scared. Try putting her in a dark quiet room by herself to self-soothe. You can also turn on the TV or music to see if that will distract her and help her calm down. If this doesn't help, then I would take her into a vet asap to get anti-anxiety medication. I hope this helps!
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