Hello, I recently found stray kitties and this one seems to have something on its face. A lot of vets in the area are still closed because of COVID, but is there anything I would be able to do to help treat the kitty, It also is a bit smaller in comparison to the other kitties, I feel it is malnourished. How can I help?
Updated On June 18th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Shadow and for providing a picture. It's very helpful! There is clearly something wrong with her eye, and it appears the conjunctiva is quite swollen. I'm wondering if there is blood on her face from her eye or if there is another problem with her face such as a skin infection. This eye problem has to be checked out by a vet immediately, it cannot be treated at home. Any eye problem is an emergency because leaving it untreated can lead to vision loss. You need to find an open vet to see her asap. As for her being smaller, it may be she has intestinal worms, which are common in kittens. The vet can treat that as well. I hope this helps!
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