Hi, I have 6month old shih poo. He has had all his vaccinations. He has been acting fine. No food changes, no environmental change, he’s happy and a total ball of energy. Today he looked at me and started crying and when I took him outside he RAN to his “spot”. He had diarrhea and continued to move around outside “trying” to poop. When he was done he ran around like he was fine and happy. He peed,we went back inside and he drank some water and is now playing with his toys. Should I be worried?
Updated On June 18th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Shihpoo | Male | unneutered | 6 months and 10 days old | 9 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. This may have been a one off episode of diarrhea, only time will tell. I would stop all treats, table scraps, dental treats, rawhide snacks, etc. for the time being, & just feed his regular diet. If he has an appetite, but has another bout of diarrhea, then start him on a bland diet of 75% cooked white rice ( not Minute or instant rice ) & 25% plain cooked chicken or a little low fat cottage cheese. Feed this for a couple of days to see if the diarrhea resolves, then reintroduce the normal diet. If Paco stops eating, starts vomiting, or the diarrhea just will not resolve, please see your veterinarian for further diagnostics. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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