My elderly 16yr old dog has been losing alot of weight within a month, he shakes continuously, chews his leg til it becomes raw, eats well but later intends to vomit later. His stamina is unstable. And has no interest in playing with is favourite toy.

Updated On June 25th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 16 years and 4 months old

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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Poor Halo! It definitely sounds like something is wrong. There are many possible illnesses that could cause the symptoms you describe here (weight loss, shaking, chewing at himself, and vomiting), so it's hard to say what might be wrong without being able to examine him and run some tests. I would recommend taking him to the vet for an exam as soon as you're able to. Your veterinarian can do blood work, x-rays, or other testing if needed to help diagnose the problem and see what can be done to help.

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