We have an 8 week old puppy who has an underbite. Her underbite was first noticed at her vet check 7 days ago. At that point only her middle 2 top front teeth were set back. Now in only 7 days her entire lower jaw is noticeably set front from her top jaw. Is this rapid change normal? How much worse will it get. What can I expect over the next months as she grows?

Updated On June 26th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | unspayed | 6 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Pippa. Every puppy grows and develops at a different rate. At this age, I would recommend monitoring her. If her facial conformation continues to rapidly change, then you will need to discuss it with her veterinarian. If any of her teeth are causing pain by contacting the opposite gum tissue, then intervention by.a veterinary dentist may be necessary. Most puppies will be fine. An underbite is generally less worrisome then an overbite where the lower canine teeth can contact the hard palate. I hope this information helps!

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