My senior dog has had a bit of an upset stomach lately. Yesterday morning her poop was fine, but at night her poop was pasty. She also hasn’t been eating that much, really. She takes two supplements that we wrap in pill pockets and some bread, but other than that I don’t think she has eaten her dry food. I’m not sure if it’s bc we moved her bed from where it was since we got new furniture. She can’t see or hear well, so maybe she’s stressed. I got some mirtazapine with me, just in case she needs

Updated On June 29th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Maltipoo | Female | spayed | 17 years and 8 months old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Hello and thank you for your questions. Due to Brandy's advanced age, if she has not eaten her normal food in 24 hours, I recommend to have her examined by the veterinarian. Just like humans, there are many many reasons why to tummy can be upset. In a pet Brandy's age, it could be the first sign of kidney disease, liver disease or even cancer. Then again it could be something more minor like a bacterial imbalance or acid reflux. Since she can't talk however, she needs a physical exam to begin figuring things out. You may try offering her a bland diet and probiotic. A bland diet can consist of 25% boiled white meat chicken and 75% boiled white rice. This should all be plain. A good probiotic is FortiFlora if you can find it. Also make sure she knows where he bed is by leading her there repeatedly. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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