My dog swallowed this about an hour ago and I’m really concerned because of the thick material and the big knot she ate a tiny piece from the bottom the the middle which was about 1inch wide and I’m not sure how long it was, is there anyway she could pass it on her own or should I rush her to the hospital it doesn’t open for a couple more hours and I’m super scared for her right now, she is approx 30 pound beagle I just need some advice as it’s the Fourth of July and no vet is open right now

Updated On July 4th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Beagle | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 11 months old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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If she has swallowed a piece of flat material (not the actual knot) I would not be immediately concerned (that is unless she was exhibiting distressed breathing indicating it was still in her throat). Fabric will often pass uneventfully and the addition of mild laxatives for a few days can help encourage this. Any vomiting or abdominal pain would raise concerns about possible obstruction and would warrant immediate veterinary attention should it develop (your vets office should have contact information for your nearest emergency clinic if required outside of normal hours)

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