Hi In march I also asked about a thing our local Vet help her and she is doing good. She loves to exercise and we always go for walks and play fetch. I started noticing a she was limping because of a lump/bump. I did some research and there is a lot of possibilities why this lump could be there. I have add photo of Abbey paw/leg. It looks like a bunions which humans have on their feet. I'm afraid that it can be bone cancer. I going to take her to the vet I just need to wait for a appointment.

Updated On July 13th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Female | spayed | 1 year and 7 months old | 41 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Abby. I am glad that she will see her veterinarian. She could have a cancerous growth, but hopefully it is a benign mass such as a cyst or other type of growth. A procedure known as a fine needle aspirate is commonly performed to diagnose a mass. The veterinarian will use a small needle to collect a sample of cells to evaluate under the microscope. Based on these results, treatment recommendations can be made. For example, if the mass appears cancerous, then surgery will be recommended. Bone cancer occurs in dogs, but is not common in the location shown in your pictures. So this is less likely. I hope this information helps!

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