Hello i am Angela I have 2 female cat they are 17 years old , every year of April they toke there vaccination (( Nobivoc Trical Trio)) but in this year 2020 i did not give them untill now so is it ok and if i late is that be fine ? I will give them but not now because they change there rules and now they not allowed us to go inside the Vet, you have to give them your pet and you have to stay in your car until they bring your pet .
Updated On July 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Siamese | Female | spayed | 16 years and 7 months old | 3 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Yes, it should be fine if you need to wait a little bit to give a booster vaccine, especially if your cats have been kept up to date on all of their vaccines prior to this. If you are unsure you can wait, your vet can also perform a titer test to check for antibodies, or can let you know if you are on a one-year or three-year vaccine schedule.
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