I just got my cat today, and she’s not using her litter box. Instead, she’s just digging and kicking the litter everywhere. Is there a way I can stop this? If it helps, she’s 10 months old.

Updated On July 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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It sounds like your new cat may be a digger! I highly recommend purchasing a litter box that has tall sides or an enclosed lid to help keep the litter better contained. You can also place a litter matter under it to help catch any litter that may be falling out. If you've only gotten her today she's likely still adjusting to her new home. I would give her a few weeks to settle in completely. If she doesn't go potty at all in the next day or so, or seems ill or in distress, a vet visit is also a good idea (and is a good idea with any new pet regardless!)

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