Hi my puppy is 9 days post spay and I was just wondering if the scanning and slight crusties are normal? The bottom part is pretty scabbed, and there’s a fuzzy on it that I can’t tell if it is like a blanket fuzzy that got stuck in the scab or if it’s something important so I haven’t tried to remove it because it seems stuck in there! So just wanting to make sure everything is looking normal because I guess I’m paranoid haha!

Updated On July 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Female | spayed | 4 months and 25 days old | 42 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting Petcoach with your question about Kala and for providing pictures, they are very helpful! You aren't paranoid, it's always good to get things checked out when you have questions! Yes some scabbing is normal and things can get stuck to the incision but I'm concerned in the first picture that the incision may be open a bit at the bottom. Without seeing her in person, I can't say for sure so I'd have her checked out by a vet just to be safe. I hope this helps!

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