I was petting my cat and found a weird bump on his skin on his neck. It seems to be only skin deep but seems like it’s not bothering him too much. However, it looks like it’s red and possibly infected. Any ideas what it could be? I will he taking him to the vet Monday but I’d like some peace of mind. Also, if you believe it is an emergency I could take him to the emergency vet tomorrow! Thanks.
Updated On July 25th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 6 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting Petcoach with your question about Simba and for providing pictures, they are very helpful. This may be a cyst, a benign growth, or even a small abscess. It should be checked out by a vet, but it's not an emergency. You can take him into the vet on Monday. The vet can diagnose what is causing it and can treat it. Best of luck.
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