My cat seems to have developed black spots around his nose. He's approx 5-6 years of age and is a mixed breed between a Siamese and Snowshoe as far as we know. He was found on the streets as a kitten. He's an indoor cat, but spends a lot of time outside on our sunny balcony. Due to covid the vets around us not taking new patients. Could this be cause for an emergency visit to a pet hospital? Attaching 3 photos of the spot change in the last few months.

Updated On July 29th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Snowshoe | Male | neutered | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Some skin color changes can be normal with aging, and if The Dude has been outdoors/in the sun that could lead to some issues. However, with any change in skin color/growth/rapid changes, it is always best to have it checked by a vet, especially if it's bothersome or new. If The Dude is otherwise OK and not showing any other signs of illness, it probably isn't an emergency, and seeing if your vet can get you in (some have a month out waitlist right now) eventually is a good idea just to have some peace of mind. If The Dude begins to act ill, the spots change rapidly, get oozy or irritating, etc, then a vet visit sooner is best.

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