My kitten is almost 1 year old and one week ago I noticed a small mark on the top of his nose. He's a messy eater so I figured he got food on his nose again and went to wipe it off but it didn't come off. The mark is not black, it's like grey and looks almost like there's fur on it. It's also not a raised bump. It stayed the same but tonight it looks like it may have gotten bigger. A week or so ago I swatted a mosquito off in the exact spot, could it be that?
Updated On July 30th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 11 months and 6 days old | 6 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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It looks like he may have a dermatitis on his nose which could be secondary to a bacterial infection, trauma, allergic reaction, or possibly a fungal infection. He should be examined by a vet to determine the cause. Your vet can do a culture, if needed to help diagnose.
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