Peanut has become very sick. She is hunched over, fur ruffled. I can feel all of her bones when I hold her but she has an extremely fat, hard to the touch swollen belly, a gross smell and some clear discharge coming from her vagina. I was trying to breed her with no success back when she was fine so could there be a possibility of dead babies inside her? I don’t know how I can help her. I live in a very rural area and can’t get to a vet who can help mice. What can I do for her at home?
Updated On August 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Small Animal | Mouse | Female | unspayed | 4 months and 23 days old
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Peanut and including photos. If she has dead fetuses in the uterus, there is nothing you can do at home and a veterinary visit is needed ASAP. Try to encourage her to accept food and water via a syringe. Provide a quiet and warm environment, separated from other mice. Good luck.
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