My elderly dog died In her sleep. started decline 2 months ago. Slower, losing weight even though eating. started to get bad smell.noticed a lump on the side of her face and irritation. Vet gave cream ibuprofen. Over 2 days gave 50 MG as told, lump went down she was better. Day 3 she vomited never gave her med again. Good for 5 days normal. No vomiting. lethargic no eat for 3 days. Normal urinating.Passed in sleep. Could ibuprofen have caused? Died 1.5 week after meds. No bleeding or vomiting.
Updated On August 14th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 13 years and 7 months old | 12.5 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. No, I am quite sure the ibuprofen had nothing to do with her passing. 2 days of this anti-inflammatory only gave her some comfort, but did not hasten her death. I am so sorry for your loss & thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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