My husband & I have noticed our 12 y/o standard dachshund's stomach looks larger in the past few days. He's is overweight, so it's hard to be sure. He has bouts of lethargy. He vomited once yesterday, but his bowels & urine are normal (maybe slightly more frequent). He has back issues due to his weight. He was recently diagnosed w/ a stage 4 heart murmur, so we changed his food & amount given (from Taste of the Wild to Purina One, per vet). Should I be concerned about GDV or heart failure?

Updated On August 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund | Male | neutered | 12 years and 7 months old | 22 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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It does not sound like GDV to me. I'm concerned it has to do with Yezler's heart failure. Fluid back up from heart failure can lead to an enlarged stomach due to fluid collecting in that area. I would take him into a vet now to get this checked out. I recommend an echocardiogram and a discussion about medication for his heart disease. Please take him into a vet immediately. Best of luck.

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