I am bottle feeding 2 rescued kittens who aren’t pooping regularly. I took them to the vet a week ago and she gave them a water enema. She showed me how in case they had trouble. They have hard but not dry stools every two days that are hard to pass. They eat 20 mL KMR powder formula every 3 hours round the clock. They are active but seem a bit bloated. What should I do to get them regular and not straining to poop?

Updated On August 24th, 2020

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. You do not indicate their ages, but if they are approaching 3 weeks, you can begin offering some soft food in addition to their bottles. I would add 1/4 teaspoon Miralax to the bottle, but only 3 times a day. Once the stool starts to soften & become more regular, decrease to 1/8 teaspoon of Miralax 3 times a day. As you transition to the soft diet, you can also add the Miralax, if needed, but stop once the stools become a little runny. Make sure you are worming the kittens with pyrantel pamoate every 2 weeks. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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