I’m planning an international travel for about 2months, my husband would stay at home and come meet me for a week or two. My cat is very attached to me and I feel very bad in leaving her and heard travels are not recommended. Although, what would be the best thing for her? Come with me? Would it be ok for her be a week alone being periodically checked by my neighbors?

Updated On September 1st, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed | 10 months and 13 days old | 7.7 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Most cats do best in familiar environments, and since you will be gone short term, it is probably better for Olivia to stay at home and have a sitter or neighbor come in when your husband can't be there. That way she isn't dealing with the stress of a new place in addition to being away from you. I highly recommend adding in some calming devices such as pheromone diffusers that can help her relax some while you are away. Leaving behind a shirt or blanket that smells like you that she can also snuggle may help as well. Some cats may also respond to voices via phone or voice chat, but it depends on the individual cat.

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