Attached are chest x-ray reports from 2/6/2020 and 7/13/2020. She had a heart murmur, but not on medication as the last set of x-rays taken 2/6/2020 indicated monitoring with 6 month follow-up tests. She was experiencing fainting spells, so she had the x-rays taken on 7/13/2020 a few hours before she died. She started panting heavily after coming back home on 7/13/2020, and could not breathe. She died on the way to the ER. Fluid came out of her mouth onto the car seat. Please review.

Updated On September 5th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Female | spayed | 13 years and 8 months old | 13 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Molly. I am so sorry for your loss. The second, more recent, radiologist report indicates that she was suspected to be in heart failure. The left side of her heart was not functioning well resulting in fluid accumulating in her lungs. This makes it more difficult to breathe and would explain that fluid that came out after she passed. This disease can progress quickly and is unpredictable. Some dogs can live many months while being managed in heart failure. Others do not compensate well and will struggle to breathe. Again, I am sorry for your loss.

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