Hello, I just noticed that my dog has developed this thick, dark purple, itchy rash on his groin area. I figured it could be from stress, we did just move to a new house yesterday and he did go to his groomer for his normal bath three days ago. I've never seen him have a rash like this before... although he doesn't seem to bothered by it. Just noticed when he was scratching. I appreciate your help in advance.

Updated On September 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | neutered | 5 years and 7 months old | 80 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Ouch! That does look pretty irritated. If it's on Rocky's belly or underside, it is possible he's rubbed up against something in the new house or during the move/groom that caused irritation. I would keep the area clean and dry with some pet wipes, and place an Elizabethan (cone) collar on him or a T-shirt to prevent him from licking and chewing the spot as that can cause an increase in irritation. If the area doesn't resolve, worsens, visible sores or wounds appear, or it seems to be changing rapidly, having a vet look in person is best to rule out more serious allergy, getting into something, infections, etc that could be a cause.

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