On our walk our puppy (25 lbs) got what looked like a cigarette filter that was unspooled a little bit. He swallowed it when I tried to get it from him. We brought him home and I gave him peroxide and he threw up within 15 minutes of ingesting it. He threw up everything he has had to eat today and the grass he had outside but I didn’t see what we thought he swallowed. He is doing fine now. Is there anything I should look out for?
Updated On September 18th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Good question. Look for tremors, drooling, constricted pupils, diarrhea, seizures, and an increased heart rate. Typically symptoms of nicotine poisoning occur within one hour of ingestion, but I'd watch him tonight to be safe. If you see any of the signs I mentioned above, please take him into a vet immediately. I hope this helps!
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