My cat has been diagnosed with pulmonary edema, an enlarged heart and a damaged liver. However, the country where I live, the vets here are not able to treat it properly and her condition is getting critical day by day. She’s barely even able to breathe. Today, a vet treated her with a 3rd gen antibiotic and a steroid. Could you advice what could be done to save her life? She hasn’t eaten in the past 2 days and iv fluids can’t be given due to her current condition. Reports attached below.

Updated On September 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Female | spayed | 4 years and 10 months old | 6.62 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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I'm so sorry to hear that Lily has been so sick. Based on the bloodwork that you've provided, it looks as though in addition to elevated liver values, she's also quite anemic (low red blood cell count). It is important to determine why Lily is experiencing this degree of liver disease. Given her relatively young age, issues like infectious diseases are most likely, but cancer or other immune-mediated issues are also possible. I would recommend asking your vet about running some testing for different infectious diseases, like Mycoplasma, Bartonella or Cytauxzoon. In the meantime, also ask your vet if Lily is at the point where she needs a blood transfusion to manage her anemia. This decision is based on vital parameters, exam findings, as well as her hematocrit (HCT). You may also want to ask your vet if Lily looks as though she needs a diuretic, like furosemide, to remove excess fluid from in and around her lungs. Lily's medical case sounds quite complicated, so I'd recommend seeking out a second opinion on her care, if available. You can also ask your vet to contact veterinary internal medicine specialists if they need more specific advice for her diagnostics and treatments. I hope that she's on the mend soon!

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