Hi I just noticed this red and blue spot on my dog's stomach today. He has always had spots on his belly, we have tried steroid cream but that did not help. We tried hydrocortisone cream which seemed to help, this spot is new though and i have not seen something like itbefore
Updated On September 23rd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 2 years and 2 months old | 45 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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It looks like he has a dermatitis and skin infection. He most likely needs an oral antibiotic and anti-inflammatory to treat the condition. I don’t think it is going to resolve with just topical medications. Call a vet and schedule an appointment so it can be treated appropriately. In the meantime, you can try over the counter Vetricyn spray and see if that helps.
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